Following widespread unrest that led to the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government in Bangladesh, Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan has announced his resignation. This decision comes in the wake of student protesters shifting their focus to the Supreme Court, demanding the resignation of all judges, including Hassan.
Bangladeshi news outlets reported that the 65-year-old judge resigned on Saturday afternoon.
Why did student protesters focus their attention on the Supreme Court in Bangladesh?
In the aftermath of widespread unrest that toppled Sheikh Hasina’s government in Bangladesh, Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan has chosen to resign as student protesters turned their attention to the Supreme Court, calling for the resignation of all judges, including Hassan.
As reported by the Daily Star, on Saturday, hundreds of protesters surrounded the Supreme Court, giving Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan and the Appellate Division judges an ultimatum to resign by 1 pm (local time).
Chief Justice Hassan announced his resignation at approximately 1 pm, following the arrival of Anti-Discrimination Student Movement protesters at the court premises.
Reports indicate that the Chief Justice exited the building as tensions intensified. Protesters warned they would encircle the judges’ residences if they did not resign by the deadline.
By 10:30 am on Saturday, a large crowd, including students and lawyers, began assembling on the Court premises, demanding the resignation of the Chief Justice and Appellate Division judges.
Following widespread unrest that led to the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government in Bangladesh, Chief Justice Obaidul Hassan has announced his resignation. This decision comes in the wake of student protesters shifting their focus to the Supreme Court, demanding the resignation of all judges, including Hassan.